
Queefing! The last time I was with a guy, I experienced it. I mean, that loud ‘BRRT’ fart sound accompanied by air came out of my vagina while he was thrusting in and out. I didn’t need to add the details but I did🤷‍♀️. Call me a sexpert or a sex blogger who is supposed to know that queefing is normal and yeah, I do know. It wasn’t even my first time experiencing it but I was completely taken aback. It was so embarrassing and the worst part was, we were in the doggy position and my butt was in the air, directly facing him. And it wasn’t just once; right after the first loud one, another followed and I wished I could cry. Luckily, he ignored it and kept going. We couldn’t let a queef interrupt a pleasurable moment.

I know some of you can relate to my recent experience and the rest might have heard or seen people talk about queefing and you have too many unanswered questions concerning the topic. Keep reading and you’ll get your answers.


Queefing is the expulsion of air trapped inside the vagina. The trapped air usually forces its way into the vagina when the penis is thrusting in and out or when sex toys or fists are inserted during intercourse or masturbation. Now, this trapped air forms a large air pocket that is forced out by the contraction of the vaginal walls and it is accompanied by the fart sound, just like a burp.

Queefs are odorless and should never be a cause of worry. They usually happen during sex when the man is going so hard or fast. That makes it easy for air to get trapped. So, if you’ve never experienced it, maybe your man doesn’t go harder or fast enough. LOL!

Queefing doesn’t only happen during sex. It could happen during yoga exercises, strenuous activities or even when shouting, jumping, coughing or when you’re putting on your underwear. It is so unpredictable and will definitely take you off-guard. Sadly, it cannot be controlled so the next time you experience it, laugh it off, talk about how it is just a vart or a pussy fart or a fanny fart that is so normal for a healthy female and continue with whatever you were doing.


  • If your vaginal fart or queef smells, you need to see a doctor because it is not normal.
  • If the queef is accompanied by pain, vaginal discharge or frequent urination, you need to see a doctor too. You may have bacterial vaginosis.
  • If the expulsion of air comes with faecal matter, you may have fistula or pelvic organ prolapse because of a complication from childbirth, surgery or a disease.


During arousal, the vaginal walls are relaxed causing them to expand or widen up. The uterus moves up towards the navel area and this leaves room for air to get trapped easily in the vaginal cavity. This trapped air is forced out when the vaginal walls contract and it comes out as a queef.

Queefs usually occur in specific circumstances like the doggy position, when the aroused vagina is pointing skyward. Air easily enters and when the dick goes in and out, the air gushes out with the fart sound.


  • During a change in sex position when her legs are wide apart, waiting for the D
  • During condom sex. Friction caused by latex condoms cause for tiny air pockets to be trapped in the vagina gradually till they pile up into a larger one that gushes out with the ‘BRRT’ fart sound.
  • When he is thrusting fast and an increasing number of times, it makes it easy for air to get trapped in the vagina.


As embarrassing as queefing is, some men love it because it makes them think they are hitting it right. Others claim the gush of air feels good around the penis so they love it. How about the ladies? I personally don’t like it and I found out ways to make it close to impossible for it to happen

  1. Kegel exercise. This strengthens your pelvic muscles and I’ve mentioned it already in my previous posts. All you have to do is to clench your pelvic muscles for ten seconds, release for ten seconds and repeat it ten times for one session. Do it twice or thrice daily when you’re working, seated or in bed and it’ll do you so much good. For those of you who don’t know the pelvic muscles, when you have the urge to pee and you try to hold it in, the muscles you clench are the pelvic muscles.
  2. Extra lubrication. I already mentioned that friction caused by latex condoms makes it easy for air to get trapped in the vagina so, just get a lubricant and kiss queefing goodbye.


Queefing occasionally during sex has nothing to do with the size of the vagina.

Do not try to make your woman queef by blowing air into her vagina just because you love it. Some men also blow air into the vagina during oral sex because they think it will create nice sensations that she will love or make it easier for her to orgasm. Just stop! Just make use of your fingers and your tongue and you’ll be able to give her enough pleasure to make her orgasm.

Here is the problem, unlike air entrapment that causes queefing, deliberately blowing air from the mouth into the vagina can cause the air to go straight into her circulatory system to block a blood vessel and that can cause a heart attack, stroke or death. It’s called AIR EMBOLISM and it is very dangerous so NEVER BLOW AIR INTO THE VAGINA. Sad thing is, it won’t even make her queef. So, don’t do it!

In pregnant women, it can lead to complications that can kill the foetus or both mother and foetus.

SO GUYS, do not let a queef interrupt or end your steamy hookup. Though it will definitely take you by surprise, all you have to do is to laugh it off and keep going.

And ladies, if your man cringes or loses his erection because of a queef, tell him to grow the fuck up.

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