Get to Know Your Vagina Better: Vaginal Self-Exam

How well do you know your vagina? Have you ever taken a good look at your vulva? How connected do you feel with your vagina?
Loving your body and your genitals can be very beneficial to your sexual experiences You wouldn’t have to worry about whether you look okay down there, if your partner thinks your vagina is ugly, if your vagina smells bad, and so on. Such thoughts can make you a spectator during sex, as opposed to feeling connected to your body to respond to stimulation and feel sensations. So, you don’t enjoy sex as much as you should.
It’s quite unfortunate that most of us grew up believing the negative messages we heard about our vaginas. Your vagina isn’t “dirty” and it’s okay to touch her. When you know your vagina well enough and you are doing regular self-examination, you can know what you smell like on a regular day so that if you notice anything different, like a smelly discharge, you can find out what’s causing it and treat it. Check out my article about different types of vaginal odors and what the vagina should smell like after reading this. Click HERE.
Regular vaginal self-examination can also help you detect signs of infection such asunusual changes in skin color, bumps, sores, warts, and so on. When you notice such signs, you can see your doctor early enough to prevent the progression of the infection into something more debilitating to your health.
NOTE: This article is a guide for both vaginal self-examination and pleasure-seeking self-exploration. Remember that sexual pleasure is an important component of sexual health. You can’t separate the two.
What You Need to Examine your Vagina

- A vagina mirror (a magnifying makeup mirror). If you can’t get it, get a hand-held mirror or standing mirror.
- Light
- A private space
- Water-based lubricant (glycerin-free and paraben-free)
How to Examine Your Vagina and Vulva

This self-examination requires you to be curious about your vulva. You must also be relaxed.
Follow these steps from Love Skills.
- Trim your fingernails and smoothen the edges.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and under running water
- Start by finding a comfortable sitting position (in front of your standing mirror or where you can comfortably hold your hand-held mirror). You can lay a thick towel on the floor and sit comfortably on it, or find a seat.
- Make sure you have adequate lighting to see everything clearly.
- Identify the various parts of your vulva in the mirror. Where is your clitoris? What about your mons pubis, clitoral hood, clitoral head, urethral opening, labia minora, labia majora, and perineum?
Vulvas come in different shapes and sizes, and they are all normal and beautiful.
6. With your fingers, drape your inner vaginal lips (labia minora) in different angles or ways.
7. Notice whether your labia minora is small, medium, large, smooth, or textured; dark or light; and symmetrical or asymmetrical. Check if they attach at the base of your clitoris or if they form an arch over the top of your clitoris.
8. Put some lubricant on your index finger and stroke your inner lips from top to bottom and down to up. How does it feel? Do you feel any sensations?
9. Examine your clitoral hood. Pull it back to expose the tip of your clitoris and pay attention to its size, shape, and any differences in color.
10. Lightly caress the tip of your clitoris with your lubricated finger and focus on the sensations you feel. If you can’t see the tip of your clitoris, then place your fingers on either side of your clitoral shaft and glide them back and forth to experience pleasurable sensations. Stroke, rub, or press on your clitoris for a bit and look closely to see if its size and color have changed.
11. Next, slowly insert your finger in your vagina. Do it carefully if you have long nails. Notice the folds of the vaginal wall and see if you can touch your cervix at the far end of your vagina
12. With your finger inside your vagina, take a deep breath and relax your hand, arm, all your vaginal muscles, and your anal opening. Take another deep breath. Inhale all the way down to your pelvis and let everything go. Take several peaceful moments to savor being inside yourself, loving and appreciating your vagina.
13. Then move the tip of your finger upward to the 12 o’clock position. Use a beckoning motion and observe the sensation. Continue exploring the remaining wall of the vagina, moving from 12 o’clock, to 1 o’clock position, to 2, and all the way around to the 12 o’clock position. In each position, pay special attention to the sensations you feel and note any variations.
14. Slowly remove your finger and take a good look at your vaginal juice. What is it like? Is it clear or milky?
15. With an open, curious mind, sniff and taste your vaginal juice. How would you describe it? Is it salty, neutral, a bit metallic, or something else? Does it smell like yeast, a hint of musk, or something else?
What’s more?
To understand your vulva and vagina better, do this self-exploration exercise every day for an entire month (except when you are on your period) and notice how your vulva varies in appearance and how your vagina varies in taste and smell throughout your cycle.
More importantly, if you have a sexual partner or more, after doing this exercise, repeat the process with them. Detail each and every part and let them understand your body better.
To make it easier, record an audio of the steps, play it, and use it as a guide for your self-exploration.
My next article will be about penile self-exploration. So, if you have a penis, you can do it too!
What Do You Think?
Does this article make you want to examine your vagina? Have you ever done something like this? Let me know in the comments, or use the red and white button on your screen to initiate a live chat with me (bottom right).

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