
I’m all smiles right now, wondering how to go about this post. Let’s begin with questions.

What do you think qualifies a vagina to be called wild or ideal? Has it got to do with looks, size, hair, how it feels or the woman herself?

Most sexually active men out there have some things they look out for in a vagina and wish their chosen women would have it all but sadly, they are met with disappointments. Why so? Others find themselves meeting one woman with all these addictive traits that leaves an imprint on their minds making it so hard to leave, when everything else screams, SHE IS NOT THE ONE!

Several women have vaginal insecurities which makes them not able to open up fully to their men. Some won’t even allow for their men go down on them because they’re not sure of how they look down there. They get worried of what you might think when you look there or what you might see that won’t meet up to expectations and in the end, they refuse to let their men explore their bodies like they ought to. This post is meant to take care of all that.

Every woman can have that kind of vagina that can leave an imprint on the guy’s mind and until I tell you, you may never find it out.

Men, read this post, learn and tell your women how to work towards getting that wild pussy that you crave so much and stop using that as an excuse to hoe around.

NOTE THIS: ‘All hole be hole’ until a man meets the wild pussy that rocks his world. Let’s give our men that, ONLY IF THEY ARE WORTH IT


Of course not! Ladies, forget what you’ve heard, read or seen in porn videos. There are several kinds of vaginas; some wrinkled or smooth, some with large lips (labia) or thin lips and others with more pronounced clitoris or very tiny clitoris. All of them are very normal and it has everything to do with your biology; it plays no role in determining how good you will be when it comes to sex. So, stop worrying! Stop with the insecurities and accept that no matter how you look down there, you are beautiful and men do not even care about it!

The few who actually care are childish and need to grow up.


Personally, I used to worry about this a lot. Like, when you get THAT CALL, most ladies rush to the shower to shave. We’ve been made to think that we have to be bald down there, because that’s what men prefer but how many men even care about that?

Listen, most men do not care whether you’ve got hair down there or not. They just want you to be clean and infection-free. Others want it bald while others can’t stand it bald because of the illusion that they might be fvcking an underage, no matter how old you are. So, in this case, if you’re the type who loves to go bald down there with no hair, find out from your man what he prefers and if you can, you keep a little hair on it for him. They love the texture and rough feeling that the hair gives the vagina; not the smooth baby-like skin of the bald ones and it makes it easier to play with you down there.

NOTE: Trimming down pubic hair is mandatory whether you like it or not. You can’t have your vagina looking like a forest; does it even look good to you when you look at yourself in the mirror naked? You could trap germs, and bacteria even. Trim when you have to; make sure you look okay enough for to make it convenient for a man to go down on you.


A wild pussy leaves an imprint on the dick

Ladies, this is what gives you that power to have a man want you and only you; he might stray but will always be reminded that you have the best vagina because no other lady will be able to give him what you give him.


  • You need the strength

Exercise your vagina! This is what gives you that strength to be able to grip the dick so tight when a man shoves his dick inside you. This is what pulls him in and has a strong hold on the dick, squeezes it and caresses it while it travels in and out. So many women do not know this and now that you know, it’s time to get up and start working on your vagina. Claim that dick as yours and make it throb at the thought of you. Let the dick always remember the effect you have on it and make it difficult for your man to let go of you.

  • How do you exercise the vagina?

Perform kegels daily by tightening your vaginal muscles for not less than five seconds and relaxing it for like ten seconds before tightening again for not less than five times daily. To those who can’t identify their vaginal muscles: imagine being in a situation where you want to pee badly but you have to hold it in. How do you do that? You tighten your pelvic muscles to keep you from accidentally passing out pee. Now, these are the same muscles that control the vaginal walls and once you tighten them, the vaginal walls are clenched.

Doing this regularly gives you control over your vaginal muscles. It helps with vaginal tightening also and it is the most natural way to tighten your vagina.

During sex, having control over your vaginal muscles allows for you to clench your vaginal walls during penetration to pull the dick in and you’re able to maintain that strong grip on the dick. Trust me, the feeling is superb for both parties and men love it so much.

A wild pussy or ideal vagina is WET, SLIPPERY & HOT.

Guys, keep these three words in mind- wet, slippery and hot. First things first, a vagina being wet has everything to do with how turned on she is, so this solely depends on the man. Most men usually do not keep this in mind; all they do when they’re hard is to do very little foreplay and the next thing you know, they want to penetrate.

Like dude, relax! Women are not magicians and we aren’t always wet down there. You have to make us want you. You have to turn us on and make it rain in our panties if you want to enjoy the intercourse. Find out what your woman likes; kiss her longer, play with her sensitive spots and do not rush. Concentrate on her nipples, back, butt, ears, neck, foot or any other sensitive part of her body before penetrating.

That is the only way you can get that slippery feel from the vagina and the warmth you need.

        NOTE: Throw that lubricant away!

Lubricants work to give men that wet and slippery feeling. I don’t see the need for them, because in that case, the woman doesn’t need to be turned on for sex. You only need a lubricant if you’re going to have anal sex because unlike the vagina, the anus doesn’t get wet. Be a man and get your woman to naturally flood her vagina to give you the best feeling you can get from sex.


Every vagina is warm on the inside. Men love the heat and warmth they feel when they insert their fingers or dicks in the vagina.

Now, it is up to us, women, to make our warm vaginas function like they should to leave that imprint on a man’s dick.

One way is to have control on your vaginal muscles. I mentioned that earlier; know how to control your vaginal muscles by clenching your walls during the intercourse. This wraps your walls around the dick tightly, to make the dick feel that warmth strongly. Trust me, doing that makes the man enjoy being inside you.

An ideal vagina is infection-free

This is the most important point to me. I know we hate to think about it, but STI’s are real. Until you get infected, you might think they don’t exist. If you’re sexually active and you find yourself having raw sex, you need to have regular checkups to ensure you are safe down there.

Also, pay attention to your vagina always. Always look out for signs and when there is anything off, like rashes, smell or weird discharge, you see a health care professional and get it treated.

An ideal vagina tastes good and has a pleasant smell

Ladies, how do you smell down there? Can you put your finger down there and smell? Did you like the smell or did you squeeze your face? If you did the latter, please work on yourself. Every woman can smell good down there, do the right things. I have a post on that and it has all the information you need to get and maintain a fragrance down there, read it HERE.

The taste of the vagina is directly related to the smell. If you smell good down there, you’ll definitely taste good.

An ideal vagina isn’t loose

  • What is a loose vagina?

A loose vagina is one that has no grip on the dick during penetration. Like, when he enters, he just falls in with no friction. This friction pleasures both parties during penetration, so without it, why would a man enjoy being with you and how would the girl herself benefit from the intercourse? That’s the main reason for the fuss over vagina tightness.

Men assess how loose a vagina is based on the size of their dicks; the more reason behind the above definition. So, if your man’s dick isn’t huge and has a smaller girth of 2 inches or less, your ‘okay’ vagina which isn’t loose won’t be exactly tight to him. It won’t have a tight grip on his dick to give him the heightened pleasure that men crave. So in that case, you can blame him for having a small dick.

You’ll find that, men with huge or bazooka dicks rarely complain about loose pussy because they’re able to fill any vagina up.

LASTLY, unless a vagina is responsive, it can never be wild or ideal for a man. Ladies, your vagina being responsive lies on you. It has everything to do with your body’s reaction to a man’s touch and your body’s response to his dick moving in and out of you.

Most ladies are dead logs; all they do is to leave their legs wide open while the men do all the work. They do absolutely nothing and expect men to enjoy being with them when they make sex that boring.

Let go! Be LOUD, moan, scream, tell him how you like it and cuss. Your moans and the way you squirm and quiver with the slightest touch make your vagina one to behold. It makes having sex with you fun and addictive.

Now to the men, a woman who doesn’t want to have sex with you can never be responsive. Always seek consent first and make sure she gets in the mood before taking your dick close to her vagina. If not, keep you dick in your pants and LEAVE HER ALONE!

Whoa, this post is extra-long! There’s a whole lot I wish I could add but I believe I’ve said enough. Did you enjoy reading, kindly share for others to see it too. Have any questions, ask and I’ll answer in no time.

About The Author

2 thoughts on “GET YOU THAT ‘IDEAL’ VAGINA

  1. Ami Shikah, you’ve said it all. Great piece. Our ladies of today are very lazy, attitude towards responds during sex is very bad, making sex very boring. You’ve cause me to crush on you.

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