How To Give Your Girl An Orgasm

Most of you men assume your girls cum anytime you fvck or maybe you do not care because you are selfish or just ignorant. Truth is, so many girls fake orgasms and you can never really tell when a girl is faking. Some of you will proudly say, if a girl is faking, you should be able to tell. How funny! The worst of it all is asking your girl, ‘did you cum?’ after sex and expecting her to answer in the negative if she actually didn’t. No! It doesn’t work that way. So, what you can do is to find out how you can actually get your woman to orgasm no matter how good you think you are. Trust me, if you do it right, there’ll be no need for you to ask. The girl will tell you herself and you’ll know because she’ll always want you.
Even if you’ve had girls moan so loud and cuss while you’re fvcking, it doesn’t mean they actually cum, unless you saw their toes curling, their legs shaking uncontrollably and their bodies shaking with them looking so helpless like they’d been demonically possessed or as though they’d had an epileptic attack. That’s when you can proudly say you got your girl to orgasm.
Most men have never seen these signs I’ve mentioned in their partners but they assume they are the bosses; even if you think you’ve seen them and you are not so sure, just sit back and let me take you through how to give your girl a mind-blowing orgasm and have her come back for more.
Men hardly know their women’s bodies so well to know how sensitive each part is. One thing you should keep in mind is the fact that every women is different and they respond differently to certain things when t comes to sex. Some women have their sensitive spots in the weirdest places and so, instead of asking her which parts of her body turn her on, why don’t you go ahead and find out yourself?
Usually, women do not know or might know a few of those spots and when they tell you, you tend to concentrate on them only, leaving the others unexploited.
This is what you should do; find time and space. Play a nice erotic music like ‘Privacy’ by Chris Brown or any other you have in mind and have her lie on the bed, naked. To make it nicer and more erotic for her, blindfold her to get her senses in one place. Blindfolding her makes her not know what to expect and so, she’s able to concentrate more on what you’re doing and when she feels that spark or pleasure she’s able to respond by moaning, breathing heavily or moving her body in ways that you won’t be able to ignore.
Aside blindfolds, you can tie her hands to the bed to stop her from moving and disrupting you.
Note this: Some girls won’t be comfortable with that ’cause they might see it as kinky or a BDSM thingy. So find out and let her know you’re just trying to pleasure her and give her a mind-blowing orgasm. She should be open minded for once for you and take her to that amazing place.
Before I continue, you should know that unlike men, it takes about twenty minutes or more to get a woman to cum when you are doing it right. So, you need patience if you really want to take her there.
Now, with everything in place, explore her body with your fingers. Use your index finger, start from her head, move it gently around her forehead. Make it such that it will be ticklish and from her forehead, move to her nose, then to her mouth. There, insert your finger in her mouth and have her suck on it.
Don’t get turned on yet; just concentrate on her and after a while, when she’s sucking on your finger like a dick, you take out your finger and meet her hungry lips with yours. Now, kiss her.
Kiss her passionately; play with her tongue and do it slowly for her to want you so much. Kissing works for many girls and though most at times you men are in too much of a hurry to kiss us for long, on the inside we wish you would.
Psychologically, kissing slows down our brain waves and puts us in a calm or relaxed state, making us ready and yearn for more. So, it is very necessary and it makes her wet down there the more.
After kissing her for some time, withdraw your lips from hers and ignore her plea for more. You have a destination and that’s her orgasm. You can’t let her distract you. Now, move your index finger to her ears; pay close attention to her reaction to your finger running around her earlobe slowly from the top to bottom and if you notice a change in breathing, you note that spot down. You can now move your tongue there; lick her earlobes slowly from the top to the bottom to intensify the pleasure she’s getting. Bite on it gently as you lick and suck on it and note down her reaction.
Now, rub her neck with your index finger. Start from her chin, down to her neck and notice how her body will react to that. If it’s a positive reaction note it down and kiss her neck a few times to reward her for being obedient.
From her neck, move your index finger down her shoulders to her breasts. You need to use both hands here. First, rub all your fingers around the breasts to the nipples and squeeze both gently. Now, rub on the nipples slowly and observe her breathing. The nipples are very sensitive for most ladies so this will make them wet the more. It will give them so much pleasure and that is what we need to get her to cum.
Keep rubbing and squeezing the nipples slowly and then, introduce your tongue on one nipple while you play with the other one using your fingers. Suck on her nipple, rub your tongue on it and around it. As you suck on her nipple, you can chew on it gently so that it won’t hurt to stimulate the nerves the more and breathe air onto it from time to time. The cold her associated, gives so much pleasure.
At this point, your woman will be moaning and enjoying every bit of it and in order to increase the intensity of her orgasm you can stop after you realize it’s becoming too much.
Note that, any part or the body can get a woman to orgasm as far it is sensitive to her and with the right stimulation. So in order for her not to have a boob orgasm which is still an orgasm, you can move from her breasts to her tummy. Squeeze both of her breasts with your hands before moving and rub your index finger down her tummy to her navel. Kiss every side of her tummy also and watch how she responds to that and note it down.
Now, play with her navel. Lick it and suck on it for some time and observe her body’s reaction to it. Thereafter, rub your finger gently below her navel. That part of the tummy is very ticklish and sensitive for most women, so do not rush while doing what you’re doing. Relax and do it gently for some time and watch her moan and her body’s reaction. Stay there for a few minutes and then, move to her thighs.
At this point she’ll be dripping wet because you’ve gotten her in the mood. But before playing with her thighs, get her to lie face-down. Go back to her neck and kiss and lick her body from her neck, her shoulders, her whole back and finally to her waist. Kiss all around her waist and watch how she reacts before moving to her butt.
Now that you are at here, note that the butt is one of the most sensitive spots of women, I want you to kiss her butt cheeks. Kiss all over her butt cheeks and give her that spark and pleasure she’s been wanting all her life. Do it for a minute or two and squeeze both cheeks with your hands. Squeeze them hard and after releasing them, spank one cheek lightly and observe her body’s response to that. If the response is positive, you should know the pleasure she got was heightened.
Now, spank that ass again. This time make it a little bit painful and squeeze it. Then kiss her neck again and her back, while you squeeze and spank her butt continuously while varying the pain. She will love every bit of that and the pleasure will build up so high in her body. This way, you know you are getting there.
After some time, get off her and rub your index finger down her butt, towards her thighs and all around it and then, move to her inner thighs towards her coochie.
Her inner thighs will feel so hot and when you go upwards towards her coochie, you will notice fluid from her wet coochie. It will make your finger wet and if you don’t mind, you suck on your finger to taste her juice.
Then, you move your hands towards her coochie from her butt, and insert your middle in and out her coochie slowly for some time
Now, take your hands off her body, and get her to lie on her back.
This time, you are going down there. You are going to concentrate on her lady flower and get her to the destination finally.
Identify her clit and rub it with your finger gently . Do this for awhile while your other hand plays with one breast.
Now exert a little pressure on her clit and your finger up and down while you do so. She will love it.
Take your finger off her clit when she starts moaning louder; don’t wait else, she’ll cum. We don’t want that yet, we’re trying to give her something mind blowing so ignore her plea.
Now, insert your middle inside her coochie and finger her slowly. While rubbing on her clit with the other finger. Shove your finger in and out of her coochie. Now, increase the pace.
She should be moaning heavily now.
To increase the intensity, instead of one finger, use two fingers: the index finger and the third finger. Now, finger her slowly and faster. Do it continuously and now, bend down and lick her coochie with your tongue.
Concentrate on her clit, and suck on it. Now, lick it with your tongue at varying paces while still fingering her coochie.
Keep doing this and from time to time, rub her clit. Do this and you will notice her screams becoming louder till she either says she is cumming or you realize the pleasure you’re giving is reaching its peak. At this point, don’t stop what you are doing. Don’t slow it down too. Increase the pace till she moans the loudest or screams the last, till you notice her legs shaking uncontrollably, her body shaking, her toes curling or her body becoming stiff for a second. That’s it, she just got an orgasm!
Congratulations! You just gave your woman an orgasm that is so hard to do! You are officially a real man! I’m so proud of you! Trust me, she will so in love with you now and will always come back for more. .
Now, I’m sure our big daddy is already hard and ready to get rid of his load so you can get down to business. Your girl can give you a good blow job or you can just fvck her and while you do so, give her an additional orgasm by rubbing her clit with varying pressures while fvcking her to the point of making her cum the same time you do.
That feeling, I know is amazing because you explode together. I’m happy for you all and glad that finally, your women can experience what an orgasm feels like.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave your comments. Also, ask any questions or share any experiences you have.
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