
All hail the most powerful sexual organ on a woman’s body.
All hail the organ that can takes you places you never thought possible

It’s very sad you know, that so many men out there do not know what the clit can do, that they focus on the wrong things during sex and are not able to give their women the Big-O that we’re usually after

Like, how many of y’all can identify the clit when you’re presented with the vagina? How many of you?

Look at the image below, can you identify the clit??


Now, to the ladies, have you ever looked at yourself (I mean YOURSELF- your privacy) in the mirror to appreciate its beauty? Have you? But you’re sexually active and have had men go down on you. Aren’t you ever curious enough to wonder what it looks like to them?

I don’t care how chrif you think you are, whether you are sexually active or not, you should know your body. You can only tell when something is wrong down there when you know it well enough

Sit in front of your mirror while you’re butt naked, relax and study your vagina.. Study that weapon of yours and understand it

To the ignorant men out there who find themseleves touching and kneading the labia instead of the clit during foreplay, listen… here is a diagram.. here is what the clit is

Now that we know what the clit looks like, let’s look at what it does during sex
The clit is the most sensitive organ in the female’s body, that any little pressure or touch from a partner can cause the lady to get so much pleasure

I know you already know that.. but do you know about clitoral erection? I doubt!

The most physical evidence of female arousal is the hardening and erection of the clit… Just like the dick hardens when a man is aroused, the clit becomes bigger and harder  alongside the labia which becomes very large and thick upon arousal and at that point you know the woman needs you deep inside her..

Just typing all this just got me in the mood.. Lol..

So y’all know that the clit can be erected like the dick and once after the woman cums or does something to get rid of the urge, it goes back to it’s normal size

Isn’t that amazing?? Give the Clit a round of applause for that.

I’m going to end here..
Girls, the part 2 of this post is for you.. Do you know the clit makes it possible for us to orgasm anywhere and everywhere without having to touch ourselves, fully clothed and without anyone having a clue what is going on??

Curious huh?? Read THE POWER OF THE CLIT PART 2 Here

Don’t forget to leave your questions down in the comments or mail them to me, for all the answers you need





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