Which Dick Size Range Do You Fall Under?


Hi guys/ men/ boys or whichever way you would wish to be addressed. This post is for you because you all have dicks or penises or cocks. If you don’t have one, (P. S. I’m literally referring to having the organ no matter the size. Lol!) then you aren’t a man but you could still read for the sake of your partner or the men you know. If you’ve already measured the size of your dick, good! Then you can go ahead and read this post. If not, next time you wake up with an erection, get a straight rule or tape measure and do so!

Now, we are on course. Every dick, no matter the size, falls under a range which numbers up to five, with least and highest rankings. No matter where you fall, no one said you can’t have good sex. You should just know what to do and how to do it because trust me, even with the most impressive dicks, some men have girls running away from them or keeping side dudes just to satisfy their sexual needs. So, it isn’t always about your size, though there is the perfect size and the nothing-to-brag-about sizes. Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend anybody and I’m not trying to get anyone to be insecure about themselves. Read on and find out all you need to know about your dick and if there is something you need to start doing or something you need to stop doing, you pick it up like you’re supposed to, for a better sex life.

Now, these are the five ranges…

NOTHING TO BRAG ABOUT (1 to 4 inches)

Okro dicks and pinky fingers fall under this range. Lol! This is actually the range that gets laughed at the most and it is assumed that Chinese and Koreans fall under here. I don’t doubt that, but I still believe it’s only true for a small portion of their population and though black men are thought to have huge dicks, sadly, some still have nothing to brag about. You know I’m not lying and for those of you who find yourselves here, I know how hard is to find out you have nothing to brag about visually. Sorry! Please don’t take offence. All you need to do is to find out the perfect ways to have the best sex you can think of and pleasure your woman in a way that she would’ve never dreamt of and make her forget the size of your dick.

NOT SO BAD (4 TO 5 inches)

I’ll classify these dicks as better because at least they don’t  fall under the least range and though they aren’t big enough, they can still pleasure their women especially if they are tight. You just know how to use it effectively to have the best sexual experience ever.

AVERAGE SIZE – “PERFECT DICK” (5 to 6 inches)

These dick sizes are right in every way, trust me. They are pleasurable for most females and can work with any sex position. But if your woman is used to bigger dicks, you might have a problem here, or if her vagina is wide and not tight enough, you both might not enjoy sex as much as you should. But then, with a virgin or tight vaginas, you are good to go. Be proud of yourselves! And don’t go about looking for ways to increase your size.

HUGE (6 to 7.5 inches)

These dick sizes might be referred as “perfect” by some ladies because they are HUGE. Ladies get excited when they see them and the naughty ones imagine themselves on their knees sucking on them and playing with them. They are okay and do not need enlargement in anyway. With this size, men walk around feeling like bosses and know there is no way anyone would look down on himself with this size. It makes them feel like REAL MEN. Though it doesn’t work for every girl and hurts the too tight ones a little, they are still good to go if their able to get their women very wet and slippery down there. They are sometimes restricted to using some sex positions or have to go slow since going rough or hard could hurt their women. Also, men who fall under this range usually have girls complaining of the dick hitting against their wombs and though it is painful, some girls have so much pleasure coming with the pain, so they don’t hate it.

TOO MUCH- ‘BAZOOKA’ DICKS (Above 7.5 inches)
Most men do wish to fall under this range because of how much attention it gets them. Men here are hailed because of their dicks and though they tend to be the topic of most female gossips, they aren’t the most privileged in terms of sex. They have so many insecurities because usually, girls flee when they see their dicks. These girls don’t want to be bruised down there and sometimes, the men themselves are scared to have sex with some girls because they pity them and do not want to hurt them. Lol! Truth is, there are some girls out there who can handle such dicks; those with wide v-holes or those who are not so tight.

Please and please again, stay away from virgins or tight girls if you fall here because you can’t have them treating sores in their vaginas after sleeping with you and even with the not so tight ones that try to handle you, do not let them ride you because you will hurt them. Some girls complain of feeling the dick in their chest because it’s too huge and long and it hurts too bad.

NOTE: Always make sure the lady is well lubricated or wet before penetrating with your huge dick to make sex less painful and more pleasurable.

That much said, all of you have your ranges and a little knowledge about it. There’s more to read, especially for the right positions and ways to have amazing sexual experiences.

Tell us what you think by commenting.

About The Author

1 thought on “Which Dick Size Range Do You Fall Under?

  1. Ami,

    First and foremost I want to say again that You are greatly appreciated, Your knowledge and insight are always on point…da way You approach sexual nature and all types of subjects relating to sex is absolutely refreshing. You need to write several books Beloved!!!
    Now to comment on this post. It may be difficult for most Women to understand, and it may only make sense to Men out there so I’ll do My best to explain. We all know that Men come in all shapes and sizes regarding dick size, but da fact is that no matter what size a Man is they will always wish that they were bigger (this is mostly due to ego) For example, My penis is 9 inches in length wit extreme girth…I knew from a young age that what I had was not normal or average, as I came into My own sexuality and began to have different partners, saw pornograpy, and changed in da locker room at school I saw and was told that I was extraordinarily huge. Here’s the point…regardless of knowing My size was unique, I always wished and wanted to be bigger than I am, I know it sounds crazy but any and every Man will understand where I’m coming from here. I would discuss this with sum partners I had thru My life and they thought I was insane or jus seeking size validation…but inside I did wish I was bigger. It’s a psychological and ego driven thing I guess, but every Man out there whether they admit it or not wishes they were bigger.

    Thank You again for all You do, You’re appreciated


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