
Have you ever had a sex marathon? If yes, when last did you have one? 

Sex marathons are basically sexual activities that last for several hours or days. For someone who understands how beneficial that can be for anyone’s sex life and relationship, I am a big advocate for sex marathons. I love the whole idea of devoting a whole weekend to sex and I advise people to make it a regular part of their sex life. I mean, you don’t have to do it every weekend. As adults, I understand that we get busy and we usually have lots of responsibilities, so deciding to have a sex marathon every weekend might be impossible to sustain. Instead, you can choose to have a weekend sex-marathon once every month, once every other month, or once every three months. You just need to opt for what works best for your relationship, situationship, or marriage. 

In this post, I will explain to you how to go about having a great and fun, sex marathon, how beneficial it can be for your relationship, and how to endure a full, weekend sex-marathon without getting too exhausted or wanting to end before the fun actually begins. Hopefully, I should be able to convince you to make sex marathons a regular part of your sex life. 


Like I defined earlier, sex marathons require you to devote several hours or days to sex (good sex). This means that you put every other thing that might come in the way aside: it could be work, social media, or any other thing that can distract you from focusing on your partner and sex. 

Before anything else, let me remind you of the benefits of good sex. Good sex is a mood and libido booster; it boosts the functioning of your immune system, improves the woman’s bladder control, burns calories (sexercise), clears acne because of semen facials, lowers blood pressure and reduces a man’s chances of getting prostate cancer. There are a whole lot more things that you can gain from good sex, so imagine what a weekend or a day filled with good sex can do for you. 

Sex marathons afford you the chance to do a lot of sexual activities because you have so much time on your hands to do anything. You get to explore and discover new erogenous zones, explore your old and new sexual fantasies, explore kinks, and learn new things about yourself and your partner. It can be a great way to rev up your libido or sex drive if it’s too low. A weekend sex-marathon can also be a great way to revive your sex life if it feels dead and it can rekindle the passion/sexual chemistry in your relationship or marriage. When it finally ends, trust me, a good sex marathon will leave you feeling better, lighter and your bond will be strengthened. 

I remember once having a weekend sex-marathon and I went back home feeling and looking slimmer because sex is exercise and a whole weekend of sex will help you burn so many calories. This should be a great motivation for you if you want to lose some weight. 

Did I just spark some interest in you? Keep reading to learn how to prepare for a sex marathon and how to have a great one. 


Sex marathons require adequate preparation before the D-day and it requires you to have a plan. Instead of always doing it in your house, you can sometimes go on a weekend getaway to a cool hotel or resort and have the sex marathon there. The main point is for you to have a weekend filled with back-to-back sex

For it to be fun and memorable, you can’t and shouldn’t be thinking of doing the same sexual activity throughout. That can make you lose interest in going on with it, so have a plan. You can choose to be spontaneous and do anything that comes to mind but you still need a list of things to choose from. You will find 20 activities at the end of this post. Keep reading!


For women, it is ideal to look at your calendar and choose a weekend when you won’t be on your period. I love period sex and I’m an advocate for period sex but a sex marathon is ideal when there is no blood oozing out of your vagina. There is a whole lot of things that you should do and blood might come in the way of that. 

You should also choose a weekend that is marked as safe for sex or not fertile especially if you aren’t on a long-term contraceptive and you are thinking of having raw sex (make sure are both clean from STIs). You need to have emergency contraceptives around too! Don’t risk getting pregnant if you aren’t ready for a baby. 

If you aren’t sure of your partner’s STI status, just use condoms.  


You can choose to start on a Friday night and end on Sunday night. Or, if you love morning sex like me and you know it can be a great start to a day/week, you can start on Friday night and end with morning sex on Monday before work.


  • No Sex Before The D-Day

 It is very ideal to not have sex at least 5 days before a weekend sex-marathon. You can abstain from sex and masturbation that whole week (or more) in order for you to be more hyped up for the marathon. If you are a very sexual person, imagine getting turned on and being forced to wait till the weekend to tend to your sexual needs. The sexual tension will make the sex marathon extra fun! If you live with your partner or you are married, it will be more interesting. Don’t take this for granted! The weekend sex marathon will make it worth it. 

  • Exercise That Whole Week

You need to boost your stamina for endurance during the marathon by exercising days or weeks before. You can go for a daily morning run or jog to help you stay fit so that when you finally start the marathon, you will be able to go long before getting tired. This is for both partners.

  • Your Body Needs Enough Rest 

Make sure to have so much rest the days (that whole week) leading to the marathon. Don’t stay up late! Even if you have work, try to get a minimum of 6 hours of rest. This puts your body in the best shape for the marathon.

  • Kegels 

Whether you are in a heterosexual relationship or you are gay, you need to do kegels before the weekend sex-marathon. Kegels strengthen your pelvic muscles and that can make sex more pleasurable for both partners. For men, it can give you ejaculatory control so that you can decide when to cum during the marathon. For women, it can feel great when you tighten your walls during sex plus, it makes your vagina feel tighter for a greater experience. 

  • Discuss and Set Boundaries 

You need to sit with your partner and discuss boundaries before you start the marathon. If you aren’t exactly sure of your boundaries, figure them out before the marathon. Make a list of all kinds of sexual acts and decide which of them you won’t ever want to do or try. Discuss pet peeves and find out the things that both of you are not willing to entertain during the marathon. This is very essential if you want to have a great time.  

  • Have A Safeword And A Non-Verbal Cue 

I talk about safewords a lot on this website. If you don’t have one yet, what are you waiting for? You need to decide on a word to say anytime your boundaries are being crossed, you are uncomfortable or you in pain. This is very important for all sexual activities. You also need a non-verbal cue or a sign to make with either your fingers, hands, or legs that can get your partner’s attention so that they can pause/stop when you are in pain/uncomfortable and you can’t talk or say the safeword. Here are the easiest ones to go for: snapping of fingers and hitting a surface with your palm a number of times. 


  • Everything Counts

For the sex marathon to be exciting and fun, don’t focus too much on penis-in-vagina sex. Every kind of sexual activity counts! (from touching, cuddling naked, and kissing to penetrative sex)

  • Do It Everywhere! 

Weekend sex-marathons can take forever, so you need to make it exciting. If you live in a big house, you will have to make use of every room. If it’s an apartment, make use of every space. Have sex a number of times in the kitchen, do it in the shower, do it in front of the mirror, do it on the couch, do it on the living room floor, do it under your dining table, do it on the floor in the bedroom, do it while standing, do it on your corridor, do it on the stairs, do it behind your house, do it on the verandah, do it on the compound, do it in the garage, do it in your car on your compound and make sure you don’t ignore any space. 

  • Sip A Lot Of Water, Don’t Gulp 

Look! I’m not talking about a five minute or less-than-an-hour session. I’m not even talking about an all nighter; this is a whole weekend sex-marathon. It’s over 48 hours of sex and you will need to be hydrated to have a good time. Drink lots of water. Have water by the bed and everywhere. That way, the woman can also have water in her body to ensure sufficient vaginal lubrication upon stimulation. 

  • Take Breaks 

Taking breaks is an essential part of a sex marathon because you won’t be able to go a whole weekend of sex without stopping to rest. The breaks give you the rest you need for the next activity, so know when to take them. It could be after an hour or more of sexual activity. Once you feel tired/exhausted, take a break. 

The breaks can be for rest/naps, you can watch a sexual movie/show, eat, sip something, and do more foreplay. 

  • So Much Foreplay

This is very necessary! It should be a great part of the marathon. When you have to pause and rest, let foreplay be a part of it. Kiss a lot, finger a lot, lick each other’s bodies, give head, cuddle, dirty talk, and do every other thing. 


I would advise you to stock up on stamina-boosting foods for your sex marathon. You should get these and eat them right before and during the marathon:

  1. Maca root and sea moss (nature’s Viagra for both men and women)
  2. Watermelons (for men to last longer)


  • Eat Healthy Food 

You will need so much energy to endure a weekend sex-marathon, so healthy food is needed. You don’t have to cook because a lot of time can be spent on that. Order in and take in more protein, less carbs, and a little fat. At the end of this post, you will see a list of foods that are great to be eaten during the marathon.

  • Eat A Little At A Time 

Eating small portions of food at a time is very necessary for a sex marathon. This is to ensure that you don’t feel too full or bloated as that can make you feel less sexy or lethargic (which is a no-no for a sex marathon). You only need the food for energy; you don’t need too much at a time (during breaks).

  • Aftercare During Breaks Is Necessary

When you take breaks for naps or rest, make aftercare a part of it. Aftercare allows you to care for each other and pamper each other after an intense session. It can be so great for both partners mentally, emotionally, and physically as well as prepare you for the next sexual activity. Also, if something needs to be discussed during breaks, aftercare makes it easy because you are both able to feel comfortable enough to talk and reveal your thoughts. You can also talk about your feelings. 

You can cuddle, hug naked, pillow talk, make jokes, laugh, and shower together as part of aftercare.  

  • The Woman Needs To Stay Wet

The only way a woman can endure a weekend sex-marathon is if she is having a good time. One way to do that is to make sure she stays wet throughout. Do lots of foreplay and more of the things she likes to make it harder for her to be dry. If you notice signs of her getting dry, stop and do foreplay or take a break to hydrate and eat her out till she is dripping wet. You need lubricants too! It should add extra moisture and lubrication for more pleasure. 


  • Don’t Drink Too Much 

I agree that so many people will need alcohol for a great time, but make sure to not drink too much. 

Drinking a lot can make you want to sleep and make it difficult for some men to get and maintain erections. Just drink a little (one or two glasses) during the marathon. You wouldn’t want to deal with hangovers, vomiting, and feeling miserable when you should be having sex.

  • Don’t Cum Every Single Time 

You need to train yourself to not cum every single time you have sex during the marathon. Edging can be a great option! The man can also focus more on pleasing the woman since, after an orgasm, some men require a break before they can get hard again. Withholding cumming can help you go longer before taking a break to revitalize. 


I felt the need to mention deaths that have been recorded because of sex marathons. People tend to take sex-boosting drugs or pills because they desperately want to last long and impress their partners during the sex marathon. You really do not need those drugs or pills if you read this article closely and do as I say. 

Please take breaks when you are exhausted and don’t drink too much. You can just stick with wine (one or two glasses).  


  1. Lots of kissing
  2. More foreplay
  3. Explore new positions from the 365 sex positions 
  4. Have anal sex 
  5. Try pegging 
  6. Fisting
  7. Use sex toys on each other
  8. Mutual masturbation 
  9. Explore new kinks (temperature play, choking, restraint, role play, bondage, shibari, dominance, and sadomasochism)
  10. Watch porn together
  11. Play sex games 
  12. Orgasm denial 
  13. Sex in each space of the house 
  14. Play sex games 
  15. Hot massage
  16. Striptease for both partners 
  17. Indoor sensual couple’s dance 
  18. Lapdance
  19. Dry humping
  20. If you want, invite someone over on one of the days for a threesome and continue the marathon when they leave


Eat more proteins and grains for the energy you need: 

  1. Grains (wheat, oats, rice, corn, etc.)
  2. Low GI foods/carbohydrates (soy foods, beans, fruits, milk, pasta, grainy bread, and lentils)
  3. Eggs 
  4. Beef 
  5. Shellfish


  1. Watermelon
  2. Maca root and sea moss
  3. Water and ice
  4. Lubricants
  5. Red wine 
  6. Scented candles 
  7. Massage oil 
  8. Sex toys (don’t forget blindfolds)
  9. Condoms and emergency contraceptives
  10. BDSM kit 


Let me know what you think about this article. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments and I will answer right away. If you have anything to say, the comments are there for you. Also, if you want to have a chat with me, use the live chat button (the red and white circle on your screen). 

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  1. You’re honestly a bundle of sex info. Every article I’ve read is well written and interesting to read. I hope this reaches more people even if they don’t comment

  2. Very informative. Thank you. You can invite me over for your intermittent threesome when next you have a sex marathon 😜

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