Several people I’ve come across are huge fans of threesomes. A number have it on their bucket lists while others have done it a couple of times or maybe once and still want more. We always ask people to throw caution to the wind and LIVE. Like, enough of the everyday one-man-one-woman sex. Get another person involved and enjoy every pleasurable thing the moment has to offer.
Have I had a threesome? More like it.
Did I like it? It was just alright, we used condoms and we were so careful but still I was more concerned about how safe the act was and I will tell you why.
For starters, I need to make it clear that I care too much about my sexual health as an individual and I wish everyone would too. It is the main reason why I’ve taken it upon myself to go into sex education. Just like me, I want people to be in the know about everything relating to sex and their sexual health- both good and bad.
Let’s have fun, let’s be spontaneous but let’s be safe. Keeping safety at the back of your mind can keep you from going too far when it comes to certain sexual acts and that is alright. You don’t want to cut your sex life short because you caught an STI that grew into something else like cancer. You don’t want to catch an STI like HIV that will leave you on medication for the rest of your life because you don’t want it to progress into AIDS and you don’t want to endanger the lives of the people you love and care about. Yeah sex is nice but it is expedient for you to keep all that in mind and it is the reason why I decided to put together this post.
The most common type is FFM: two females and one male.
This is what most people want to try and it is what people do on the daily. You have the man penetrating both women in turns while they make out and do a whole lot. It can be so fun and more pleasurable but it can go wrong. How??
The other type is MMF: two males and one female. I’m more of a fan of that because you have two pairs of male hands on you and as a heterosexual, it is a huge turn-on for me. You have both men playing with you at the same time. They can penetrate one hole (vagina or anus) at the same time or while you are giving one head, another will be in your vagina. It can also be so fun when you take caution but what if you say, “fuck it”? What can happen??
Keep reading!!
Let’s say you’re out with friends and y’all get intoxicated or high and you want to have some fun. You three get to a room and things get steamy and you realize there is no condom or it just doesn’t come in mind because you are already a huge fan of raw sex and you’re all too far gone to consider using a condom.
So you get naked and body fluids are exchanged between you three in the process. The thought of it just made me cringe. How is any of you okay with that??
Imagine if any of you has an STI- Chlamydia, gonorrhea, HPV, syphilis, herpes, HIV and hepatitis B. If you didn’t have it, you will end up getting infected.
What if instead of FFM, it is between two men and one woman. I don’t want to talk about pregnancy but maybe I should. Some people are that ignorant or they are that careless to do threesomes with two men in the absence of a condom. They let both men release their semen inside them and because they were too intoxicated, they wake up with a hangover that keeps them from considering birth control. It wouldn’t be too much of a problem if they were already on a contraceptive but that isn’t the case for so many women out here. Majority of sexually active people prefer to go for morning-after pills, so if you forget to take it, what happens? You might get pregnant.
For who? You don’t know because both men ejaculated inside you. Need I say more?
In a MMF threesome, if both men use condoms or the woman uses a female condom, it’s very safe and there’ll be no need for you to worry about infections or pregnancy or is there?? Saliva can still throw off the pH of the vagina or introduce bacteria in the vagina to cause an infection. So imagine if both men eat you out.
In a FFM threesome, there is one mistake that is usually made when the man remembers to put on a condom.
The man is able to protect himself from any STI present but uses the same condom for both women. In the end, body fluids are exchanged between both women. Bacteria is introduced into both vaginas via oral sex and vaginal fluid from the other woman and they both risk getting bacterial vaginosis. Weeks or days after, their vaginas will emit that fishy smell.
Now what if he is knowledgeable enough and cares so much about infections so he chooses to use different condoms for each woman. It is perfect and the right thing to do but there is a BUT.
Fingering both women with the same fingers can transmit STIs if there’s any present. He puts the finger(s) in one vagina while eating the other out and after some time, eats the other vagina out with that same tongue and fingers the other vagina with the same finger(s).
Bacteria and viruses are microscopic. They can be trapped on the tongue or fingers and can be transmitted easily. This is why I am most concerned about the safety of threesomes.
You don’t want to wake up months or weeks later and regret having that threesome.
I’ve heard stories and I have witnessed a whole lot. I’ve seen people use sex toys during threesomes and trust me, it is fun. It can be mind-blowing and it can leave you wanting more. The use of vibrators, dildos and other sex toys can leave legs shaking and the floor flooded with squirt juice.
Here is the issue with it: the same toys are usually used on both women and I don’t need to spell out what can happen in the process. Don’t y’all know about STIs? Don’t you care???
I’m not asking you to desist from having threesomes. It’s fun! Don’t be boring! Spice things up but take the necessary precautions when you decide to have a threesome and make the most of the moment.
Have any questions or enquiries?? Leave them in the comments or send me an email and I will reply shortly
Oh dear, those have been my major concerns that have delayed my threesome oooo. And now you have thrown in more light as to why I shouldn’t have it after all……or maybe I’m going to have it but with extra caution 😎😎😎
As I’m typing, I have already booked an appointment just last night😂😂😂
😂😂😂Yeah go ahead.. tell me about it tho. FFM?
Part of my bucket list. The problem is how to let the girl know it’s threesome we about doing. Most of my girls like it one on one. Now I know all this I’ll be extra careful . But can u teach me how to let a girl know u wanna do threesome
Have the convo beforehand. Tell her you wanna have a threesome and find out if she’s up for it. If yes, let her bring the girl who also wants it and you can go ahead