How to Have a G-Spot Orgasm or Give Your Partner One: Vaginal Orgasms

G-Spot Orgasm

Where is the G-spot? Does it exist? Is the G-spot really the key to vaginal orgasms? Is it just a spot on the internal clitoris? I’ll answer the questions and tell you the basic things you need to know about the G-spot, so read on.

The G-Spot Exists!

The G-Spot and Internal Clitoris

The G-spot, or Gräfenberg spot, is a region located an inch from the vaginal opening in the upper wall of the vagina. It is part of the internal clitoris and can be stimulated during penile penetration, sex toy penetration, or fingering. During G-spot stimulation, the urethral sponge is stimulated, which results in the expulsion of liquid in some women, which is known as squirting

So, to make yourself or a female-bodied person squirt, you need to stimulate the G-spot. 

The “clitoris” you see on the vulva is not the entire clitoris. It is just the head/glans. It extends into the vagina.  

How to Find and Feel the G-Spot

How to find the G-Spot

To find the G-spot, first establish arousal in your body or your female partner’s body. Arousal is necessary because the clitoral network contains erectile tissues that are filled with blood and cause the G-spot to swell, making it feel ridged and more pronounced. It makes it easier to identify the G-spot on the anterior vaginal wall.

After doing things that make you or your partner feel good, such as clitoral (glans) stimulation with fingers, a sex toy, or your tongue; nipple play; kissing; spanking, and so on, lie on your back, or have your partner lie on their back, and insert a lubricated finger or two into the vagina.

Before insertion of the finger(s), wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and make sure your nails are trimmed. Next, pour water-based or silicone-based lubricant all over your finger(s). If you choose to use a water-based lubricant, ensure that it does not contain glycerine or parabens to prevent uncomfortable reactions. You don’t want anything to mess up this moment.

Insert one or two lubricated fingers to within two inches of the vagina’s length. Do the beckoning sign or “come here” sign inside the vagina to touch the anterior wall. When you rub the wall, you will notice a ridged area that feels different from the rest of the vaginal wall. The G-spot is that ridged area. Touching it with your finger, as well as using a vibrator or penis, can be extremely pleasurable.

How to Stimulate the G-Spot 

G-Spot stimulation

Now that you’ve found your G-spot, you can stimulate it by rubbing it, tapping it, rocking it, or exploring different stimulation techniques. If you find a rhythm or technique that feels pleasurable, continue with the motion and watch what happens after. That is how to have a vaginal orgasm from G-spot stimulation. Isn’t it that simple?

The most important thing is the need to establish arousal first. You need to be so turned on to make it work more easily. 

What Does G-Spot Stimulation Feel Like? 

When the clitoris is touched, massaged, or stimulated, you may feel the urge to pee, but the more it is stimulated, the more likely you will feel pleasurable sensations that can build up to an orgasm. 

Self-Exploration (Masturbation)

If you have a vagina, it is important that you find your own G-spot and explore different ways of stimulating it for pleasure and/or orgasms. If you are able to do that, it makes it easier to direct your partner toward making you experience a vaginal orgasm. 

Stimulating the Gräfenberg Spot During Sexual Intercourse 

G-Spot and Sex
From Wikipedia

Although it is easier to stimulate the G-spot and make a “woman” or yourself squirt with your fingers, it can also be stimulated during penis-in-vagina intercourse. It is a big proof that penile size doesn’t matter because the average penis can reach it for stimulation. What matters most is the sex position you choose to go for.

There are several sex positions that make G-spot stimulation possible during penile-vaginal or dildo-vaginal stimulation. In the next article, which will be out in a few days, you will see a lot of sex positions that you can explore for G-spot stimulation. Subscribe to this blog to be notified when new blog posts are released.



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4 thoughts on “How to Have a G-Spot Orgasm or Give Your Partner One: Vaginal Orgasms

    1. Soon you can. I will send you an email when it is ready for sale. I will be worth the wait 😊

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